In their December 1994 issue, Reason Magazine "asked a number of scholars mostly university professors to recommend works that students are not likely to encounter on the typical college syllabi but that they would suggest to a curious undergraduate." Sowell's books get mentioned several times.
Forbes magazine interviewed
Thomas Sowell in the July 6, 1998 issue.
Dr. Sowell has appeared on numerous TV shows including Firing
Firing Line
Episode | Taped on Date | Subject |
November 12, 1981 | The Economic Lot of Minorities | |
November 3, 1983 | The Economics and Politics of Race | |
May 2, 1986 | [A Firing Line Debate]: Resolved: That We Should Move towards Privatization, Including the Schools: Part I | |
May 2, 1986 | [A Firing Line Debate]: Resolved: That We Should Move towards Privatization, Including the Schools: Part I | |
October 2, 1995 | Do We Have Too Much Government Regulation? Part I: Economic and Social Regulations | |
October 2, 1995 | Do We Have Too Much Government Regulation? Part II: Economic and Social Regulations | |
October 2, 1995 | Do We Have Too Much Government Regulation? Part III: Health and Safety Regulations | |
October 2, 1995 | Do We Have Too Much Government Regulation? Part IV: Health and Safety Regulations |
Here's an interview with a sidebar from the July 6, 1998 issue of Forbes Global.
The Townhall has wisely dedicated a page to Dr. Sowell
Also check out Freedom's Nest for many quotes from the eminent economist.
The Hoover Institute has the closest thing to an official Thomas Sowell web page.
Check out the Thomas Sowell
Web Ring, on Bomis.
Civil Rights: Rhetoric or Reality?
Compassion Versus Guilt and other Essays
Economics & Politics of Race