Columns by Thomas Sowell

Controversial Essays
Barbarians Inside the Gates: And Other Controversial Essays
Is Reality Optional?: And Other Essays
Compassion Versus Guilt: And Other Essays
Pink and Brown People: And Other Controversial Essays
Syndicated Column

Dr. Sowell's syndicated column is available online at Jewish World Review.  Older columns can be found at Townhall.  His current column can be viewed here.

Date Title
04/26/05 Disinformation on judges
04/19/05 Easy money in California
04/15/05 College admissions voodoo
04/12/05 Above criticism?
04/06/05 Who is liberal?
04/05/05 Liberal attitudes
04/01/05 April fools' party
03/31/05 Stupidity trickling down
03/29/05 Random thoughts
03/28/05 Killing Terri Schiavo, Part II
03/25/05 Killing Terri Schiavo
03/22/05 ‘Cruel and unusual’
03/15/05 Cynicism exposed
03/11/05 Good riddance to Rather
03/10/05 High Noon for judges: Part III
03/09/05 High Noon for judges: Part II
03/08/05 High Noon for judges: Part I
03/01/05 Believing the true believers
02/18/05 Tainted media
02/15/05 "Academic freedom"?
02/09/05 Filtering out the best
02/08/05 Ending slavery
02/04/05 Bedroom economics
02/01/05 Victory and Defeat
01/27/05 Self-indulgent orgies
01/25/05 Fourth Estate or Fifth Column?
01/21/05 Medical lawsuits
01/20/05 Social Insecurity?
01/13/05 I beg to disagree
01/07/05 The Left monopoly
01/06/05 A wave of criticism
01/03/05 Gay marriage ‘rights’
12/31/04 Property rites, Part II
12/30/04 Property rites
12/29/04 Free lunch ‘safety’, Part II
12/28/04 Free lunch ‘safety’
12/24/04 The Joseph Goebbels award
12/23/04 A huge election in Iraq
12/17/04 Give the gift of books!
12/16/04 Green bigots international
12/15/04 Law or soap opera?
12/10/04 Phony ‘ethics’
12/09/04 Angelo all over again?
12/07/04 Once in a lifetime
12/06/04 Random thoughts
12/02/04 No heroes?
11/25/04 A taxing experience
11/19/04 The unlimited enemy
11/18/04 'Supporting the troops'?
11/11/04 An ominous Specter, Part III
11/10/04 An ominous Specter, Part II
11/09/04 An ominous Specter
11/05/04 The oldest fraud
11/04/04 A charlatan?
11/02/04 A charlatan?
10/29/04 Media disgrace
10/28/04 Stop and think, Part IV
10/27/04 Stop and think, Part III
10/26/04 Stop and think, Part II
10/25/04 Stop and think
10/22/04 ‘Tax cuts for the rich!’
10/21/04 ‘Plans’ versus realities
10/20/04 ABC News or ABC spin
10/18/04 The tyranny of visions, Part III
10/15/04 The tyranny of visions, Part II
10/14/04 The tyranny of visions
10/12/04 The media's role
10/11/04 Responsible voting
09/29/04 Privatizing social security, Part II
09/28/04 Privatizing social security
09/24/04 Green versus Black
09/23/04 A blank resume
09/21/04 An old war and a new one
09/20/04 Rather not
09/15/04 Choosing a college
09/14/04 'Price gouging' in Florida
09/10/04 Jobs and snow jobs, Part II
09/09/04 Jobs and snow jobs
09/08/04 The 'compassion' racket
09/03/04 Democrats for Bush
08/26/04 Vets vs. Kerry on Vietnam, Part III
08/25/04 Vets vs. Kerry on Vietnam, Part II
08/24/04 Vets vs. Kerry on Vietnam
08/23/04 Two versions of Vietnam
08/20/04 Alan Keyes in Illinois, Part II
08/19/04 Alan Keyes in Illinois
08/17/04 A painful anniversary
08/12/04 Random thoughts
08/11/04 Power versus knowledge
08/09/04 Kerry knows that an ‘educated consumer’ won't be his ‘customer’
08/06/04 The left's vocabulary
08/05/04 The left's vision
08/03/04 Sharing the lawsuit wealth
08/02/04 Missing years
07/30/04 Electing an image
07/27/04 Intelligent intelligence?
07/23/04 The grand fallacy, Part II
07/22/04 The grand fallacy
07/14/04 Digital disgust
07/13/04 ‘Friends’ of blacks
07/12/04 Foreign ‘allies’
07/09/04 Political malpractice
07/08/04 Irresponsible politics
07/06/04 Ever wonder why?, Part III
07/02/04 Ever wonder why?, Part II
07/01/04 Ever wonder why?
06/29/04 Ace journalists failing economics
06/24/04 Random thoughts
06/23/04 Summer de-programming
06/21/04 Budget fat
06/18/04 Silencing whom?
06/16/04 Symbolism vs. substance in Iraq
06/15/04 Lying about Yosemite
06/10/04 Talkers versus doers, Part II
06/09/04 Talkers versus doers
06/08/04 RONALD REAGAN (1911-2004)
06/04/04 'Partial truth' abortion
06/03/04 War: Then and now
06/01/04 The "working poor" scam
05/28/04 Animal rites
05/26/04 A pattern of opportunism
05/25/04 Bravo for Bill Cosby
05/20/04 Justice for little Angelo
05/19/04 The hyena press, Part II
05/18/04 The hyena press
05/14/04 Half a century after Brown, Part III
05/13/04 Half a century after Brown, Part II
05/12/04 Half a century after Brown
05/11/04 War within a war
05/06/04 No-cost decision-making
05/05/04 Random thoughts
05/04/04 The 'cost' of medical care
04/29/04 Bing Crosby: Singer of the Century
04/28/04 Bait-and-switch media
04/27/04 Will we allow HillaryCare to finally take hold?
04/23/04 Criminalizing business, Part II
04/22/04 Criminalizing business
04/16/04 Random thoughts
04/15/04 Titanic irresponsibility: Part II
04/14/04 Titanic irresponsibility
04/09/04 Counting the costs, Part II
04/08/04 Counting the costs
04/05/04 Fixing the jury system
03/30/04 My platform
03/25/04 Random thoughts
03/24/04 Rattling the chains
03/23/04 Outsourcing foreign policy
03/19/04 Subsidies are all wet
03/17/04 ‘Why do they hate us?’
03/16/04 ‘Outsourcing’
03/10/04 The globalization of quotas
03/09/04 ‘Gay marriage’ confusions
03/03/04 Nader's glitter
03/02/04 The problem with the gay marriage issue
02/26/04 Parents with backbone
02/25/04 Random thoughts
02/24/04 Big Lie of the year
02/19/04 Equality, inequality, and fate
02/18/04 The inequality dogma
02/17/04 The equality dogma
02/11/04 The brotherhood of men
02/10/04 Weapons of political destruction
02/05/04 Housing hurdles, Part III
02/05/04 Housing hurdles, Part II
02/04/04 Housing hurdles
02/03/04 ‘Special interests’
01/29/04 Phony ‘debates’
01/28/04 Third World sweatshops, Part II
01/27/04 Third World sweatshops
01/22/04 Stretching the poor
01/21/04 Lessons from Iowa
01/15/04 Manufacturing confusion
01/14/04 Random thoughts
01/06/04 Mealy mouth media
12/31/03 Two earthquakes
12/26/03 Profits Without Honor: Part III
12/24/03 Profits Without Honor: Part II
12/23/03 Profits without honor
12/18/03 Quagmire seekers
12/17/03 Twisted history
12/16/03 Courts without law
12/12/03 Economic 'Power'
12/10/03 The Wright stuff
12/09/03 My holiday book picks
12/05/03 The high cost of busybodies, Part IV
12/04/03 The high costs of busybodies, Part III
12/03/03 The high costs of busybodies, Part II
12/02/03 The high costs of busybodies
11/28/03 Random thoughts
11/26/03 "Fairness" fanatics
11/19/03 Judges and judgment
11/18/03 Letters about medical care
11/17/03 Free-lunch medicine: Part III
11/14/03 Free-lunch medicine, Part II
11/13/03 Free-lunch medicine
11/10/03 Senator Feinstein and property rights
11/05/03 "Living wage" kills jobs
11/04/03 Achievements and their causes
10/30/03 Legalizing the illegals
10/29/03 Spinning education
10/28/03 The politics of judicial nominees
10/24/03 A lynch mob gathers, Part III
10/22/03 A lynch mob gathers, Part II
10/21/03 A lynch mob gathers
10/16/03 The war against success
10/15/03 Vouchers and votes
10/14/03 Is California crazy?
10/09/03 Great myths about the Great Depression
10/03/03 On Racial Censorship and Rush Limbaugh
10/01/03 Silly Letters
09/29/03 Random Thoughts
09/26/03 School performances, Part III
09/25/03 School performances, Part II
09/24/03 School performances
09/19/03 Roasting Walter Williams
09/17/03 California's real problem
09/16/03 Risky business
09/11/03 The autism "spectrum"
09/09/03 A new contract?
09/05/03 Experts without expertise
09/03/03 SHOCK in California
08/28/03 "Fairness" in sentencing
08/26/03 Old rhetoric in new times
08/12/03 The real voting
08/07/03 Cameras in the courtroom
08/04/03 Peers and Pied Pipers
07/31/03 Are Cops Racist?
07/28/03 Random thoughts
07/24/03 Weapons of political destruction
07/17/03 Who's rich? Part II
07/16/03 Who's rich?
07/09/03 "Saving" Bay Meadows
07/03/03 The Fourth of July
07/01/03 No media bias?
06/30/03 A glimpse of reality
06/26/03 Saving quotas
06/20/03 The legacy of Eric Hoffer, Part II
06/19/03 The legacy of Eric Hoffer
06/17/03 Drugs and politics
06/12/03 Random thoughts
06/10/03 Umpires, judges and others
06/05/03 International affirmative action
06/03/03 Utopia versus U.S.
05/30/03 An appalling idiocy, Part III
05/29/03 An appalling idiocy, Part II
05/28/03 An appalling idiocy
05/22/03 Ten years later
05/20/03 Useful Idiots
05/19/03 The first lesson?
05/16/03 A sign of The Time
05/15/03 Unfit to print
05/08/03 "Universal health care": Part III
05/07/03 "Universal health care": Part II
05/06/03 "Universal health care"
05/05/03 Work pays!
05/01/03 A couple of clues
04/23/03 Quota "logic," Part II
04/22/03 Quota "logic"
04/21/03 Human livestock
04/17/03 A petty, partisan press
04/14/03 Random thoughts on the passing scene
04/11/03 The media and the war
04/09/03 Academia and the war
04/04/03 The grand fraud: Part IV
04/03/03 The grand fraud: Part III
04/02/03 The grand fraud: Part II
04/01/03 The grand fraud
03/31/03 Foreign "aid"
03/28/03 Artificial stupidity
03/25/03 Who is pro-war?
03/20/03 Random thoughts
03/17/03 Pete vs. Joe
03/14/03 A death in the family
03/12/03 The other filibuster
03/06/03 "Diversity" for thee, not me
03/03/03 The idiocy of "relevance"
02/27/03 Twin disasters
02/24/03 Undeclared wars
02/20/03 Instant Rush?
02/14/03 Random thoughts
02/12/03 Big business and quotas
02/10/03 Damaging admissions
02/06/03 For what purpose?
02/03/03 A cold shower
01/30/03 Disarming a country
01/23/03 A deadly pretense
01/16/03 Hard times for envy
01/14/03 Economics vs. politics
01/10/03 Quotas on Trial: Part II
01/08/03 Quotas on trial
01/06/03 Dangers ahead -- from the Right
01/02/03 Dangers ahead -- from the Left
12/30/02 Flagging flagships
12/27/02 Dangerous democracy?
12/18/02 Lott, race, and hypocrisy: Part II
12/17/02 Lott, race, and hypocrisy
12/16/02 Random thoughts
12/11/02 Holiday book picks!
12/06/02 Disastrous utopia
12/04/02 Media bias about media bias
12/02/02 Gun control myths: Part III
11/27/02 Gun Control myths: Part II
11/26/02 Gun control myths
11/25/02 The voices of compromise are always seductive
11/22/02 Who is promoting violence?
11/19/02 Judging judges
11/18/02 Whither Republicans?
11/15/02 A San Francisco liberal
11/12/02 Whither Dems?
11/11/02 Race and Cant
11/07/02 Political history -- and the future
11/05/02 Mondale's "experience"
11/04/02 Boring sportscasts
11/01/02 Random thoughts
10/30/02 Disgruntled conservatives
10/29/02 In that voting booth
10/28/02 Explaining to the grandkids
10/24/02 High stakes elections
10/21/02 Facing up to Evil
10/18/02 The Sniper and the Gun Controllers
10/15/02 Ignoble Prize
10/14/02 The Houdini Award
10/06/02 Dangerous Restraint
10/04/02 Race and IQ: Part III
10/03/02 The Reparations Fraud
10/02/02 Race and IQ: Part II
10/01/02 Race and IQ
09/30/02 Latest version of old ploy
09/26/02 The return of Al Gore
09/19/02 One-uppers versus survival
09/13/02 Emotional orgies
09/12/02 Random thoughts
09/06/02 "Friends" of blacks: Part II
09/04/02 "Friends" of blacks
08/30/02 Too much of a good thing?
08/29/02 The media and the military
"Teaching to the test": Part III
"Teaching to the test": Part II
Teaching to the test
Slaves to words
Random thoughts
"Unnecessary attention"
Economic ethnic cleansing
Bad medicine
At what cost?
Milton Friedman at 90
Stock crash aftermath
Two trials -- and future trials
Pioneers in photography
07/18/02 Indignation, Inc.
07/16/02 California's liberal Senator favors arming pilots and the Bushies don't!?
07/15/02 Voucher backlash
A scary report
Suspicious stats
Random thoughts
Vouchers vindicated
Death sentences
Religion and the Constitution
Tough questions
Judicial ad hocracy
06/20/02 Will the Catholic Church try to restore its credibility?
06/13/02 Time to confront the great dangers in trying members of international terrorist organizations in our courts
What to do about enemies already living within this country
An old "new vision"
06/07/02 Global lying
The art of the impossible
Priceless politics
05/30/02 What's So Great About America?
05/28/02 An ancient fallacy
05/24/02 A winning issue
05/22/02 Next stop: Supreme Court?
05/20/02 Stereotypes about stereotypes
05/16/02 Who is crazy?
05/13/02 Peter Bauer's uphill battle against prevailing orthodoxies
05/09/02 Tired of race?
05/06/02 Peace: The confusion between mechanism and a cause
05/03/02 Anniversary of a riot
04/29/02 Random thoughts
04/18/02 "Good" teachers
04/16/02 Another war created by pacifism
Firing people
04/10/02 Mideast madness
04/08/02 Why economists are not popular
04/05/02 A scam at tax time
04/04/02 The great meeting expose
04/01/02 Foreign "aid"
03/25/02 Courtroom lies
03/21/02 HISTORY vs. HOGWASH
03/18/02 Naming names
The Andrea Yates verdict
Race rationales vs. results
The high cost of shibboleths
On growing old
"Diversity" in India
How to strengthen the GOP
The IQ exemption
Who needs "Black history month"?
02/25/02 Real political reform
02/22/02 Forget about Enron. How about government-sanctioned pyramid schemes?
Holiday revisionism
Political peddling and soap
The housing farce: Part II
The housing farce
Random thoughts
Re-runs of "Roots"
Abstract people
Death of the West?
The education bill
Infallible haters?
If we were serious
01/09/02 Enemies within
01/07/02 The reparations fraud: II
01/03/02 The reparations fraud
12/31/01 Was the ball juiced?
12/27/01 A 'new era'?
12/20/01 Random Thoughts
12/17/01 MEDIA FRAUD
12/14/01 Holiday book picks --- must reads!
12/12/01 Phony "victims"
Shibboleths versus survival
To stop being hated, we need not to succeed when others fail
The underminers
Drugs and politics
Thanksgiving and "fairness"
Diversity versus "diversity"
Another outrage
The media and the terrorists
Life at the Bottom
Routine cruelty
Does it add up?
Do facts matter?: Part II
Do facts matter?
Barry and the Babe
Loose lips
The autism dilemma
10/04/01 Islam and the West
09/28/01 Capital gains and "trickle down"
09/26/01 Love those killers!
09/24/01 Pacifism and war
09/21/01 Random thoughts on the passing scene
09/14/01 Just the beginning?
09/13/01 Our foreign policy speaks loudly and carries a little stick
09/11/01 Getting this behind you
09/06/01 The magic word
08/30/01 The Einstein Syndrome
08/27/01 Choosing the correct college
08/23/01 Drugging children
08/20/01 Barry Bonds' great season
08/16/01 The "autism" dragnet
08/13/01 "Racism" in word and deed
08/10/01 Property rites
08/08/01 Victimizing blacks
08/06/01 Chandra Levy clues
08/02/01 Spin versus sense
08/01/01 Minimum journalism
07/30/01 Social Security vs. privatization
07/26/01 Is the family becoming extinct?
07/20/01 Are we still Americans?
07/17/01 A cynical charade
07/12/01 India Unbound
07/09/01 A political masterpiece
07/05/01 The mail monopoly
07/03/01 July 4th: Love it or lose it
06/28/01 Lying statistics
06/21/01 Global hot air
06/15/01 McVeigh and the death penalty
06/12/01 Random thoughts
06/07/01 Intended consequences
06/06/01 State stealing
06/04/01 Shocked by the obvious
05/31/01 Politics vs. economics
05/29/01 The high costs of politics
05/24/01 Green bigots versus human beings
05/22/01 We are all "drop outs"
05/16/01 The high cost of demons
05/14/01 Blacks, Hispanics and education
05/10/01 Social Security and the stock market
05/03/01 Easy economics and complicated politics
04/26/01 "The duty to die"
04/18/01 Poisonous politics
04/12/01 "Campaign finance reform" follies
04/05/01 "Feel good" laws
04/02/01 I'm a victim of 'racial profiling'
03/26/01 Education or incitement?
03/26/01 "Conserving"
03/23/01 An old problem returns
03/22/01 Storm troopers vs. free speech
03/19/01 Ugliness in Yosemite
03/15/01 California dreaming
03/13/01 Getting rich quick
03/12/01 School disasters
03/08/01 The wrong question
03/07/01 The role of the rich
03/05/01 The dangers of "equality"
03/01/01 Merit and money
02/26/01 Back door quotas
02/22/01 Taxing the living and the dead
02/20/01 Magic transformations
02/15/01 Cheap shot justice
02/08/01 Wise versus smart II
02/07/01 Wise versus smart
01/31/01 No sense of proportion
01/29/01 Rolling blackouts
01/25/01 Basic Economics
01/22/01 Clintonian residue
01/19/01 What kind of man is John Ashcroft?
01/12/01 Electricity shocks California
01/05/01 Lessons not learned
01/04/01 What is the point of winning, if you are going to act as if you lost?
01/02/01 Greatness of a free-market economy? It does not depend upon the 'wisdom' of those momentarily at top
12/28/00 Justice and injustice
12/27/00 Random thoughts on the passing scene
12/21/00 Alice in Florida
12/19/00 My holiday gift-books picks
12/18/00 A gem of a book
12/15/00 Election facts versus myths
12/14/00 Ending a dangerous farce
12/12/00 No stinkin' badges?
12/11/00 Facts shatter visions
12/07/00 The ignored elephant
12/04/00 Poverty and the Left
11/30/00 Shameless lies
11/27/00 Every guess must count?
11/23/00 PLOYS R US
11/22/00 "Fair and just"
11/21/00 Phony issues in Florida
11/17/00 More desperate, more ugly
11/16/00 Desperate and ugly in Florida
11/06/00 What does it tell you?
11/03/00 Hillary and Al -- relics of the past
11/02/00 The stakes
10/27/00 Desperate and ugly
10/23/00 Gory "details" abroad
10/20/00 Gory "details"
10/17/00 Pro choice or pro monopoly?
10/13/00 Teachers' union lies
10/10/00 Facts, anyone?
10/05/00 The great (?) debate
10/02/00 Dems, GOPers, and blacks II
09/28/00 Dems, GOPers and blacks
09/25/00 Another double standard
09/21/00 Terminal triviality?
09/18/00 Drugged politics
09/15/00 Social security-- a "risky scheme"
09/11/00 Campus orientation
09/08/00 Looking back at a life's journey
09/01/00 Useful idiots
08/29/00 The politics of education
08/26/00 Casual cruelty
08/23/00 Politicians who "care"
08/21/00 Sanity in 'Frisco
08/18/00 Wake up, parents!
08/14/00 Blacks and bootstraps
08/11/00 Facts are "out"
08/08/00 Costs versus prices
08/04/00 A painful history
08/01/00 The "gravitas" game
07/31/00 Costs and decisions
07/28/00 The "costs" of government
07/26/00 Underlying assumptions
07/24/00 Government advertising
07/20/00 Lies about gas price "gouging"
07/19/00 Teachers' union gall
07/17/00 Reparations for slavery?
07/13/00 The media and the issues
07/11/00 America's dirty academic secret: College sweatshops 
07/07/00 The high cost of demons
07/05/00 Families and dictators
06/30/00 In love with America
06/27/00 Lies about Yosemite
06/23/00 Envy versus resentment
06/20/00 A Reply to teachers
06/15/00 The war against boys
06/12/00 Republicans and Rocky
06/06/00 "Most Favored Nation"
06/01/00 Gun control hypocrisy
05/26/00 School to school?
05/24/00 Random thoughts
05/19/00 Ignorance of freedom
05/17/00 The Million Lies March
05/16/00 Green bigotry in the Hamptons
05/12/00 Too much "education"?
05/09/00 The old neighborhood
05/05/00 "Unfair" advantages
05/02/00 A vice president for Bush?
04/28/00 Insuring problems
04/25/00 Elian's future -- and ours
04/24/00 An obscene charade
04/14/00 Wasting minds: II
04/07/00 Who's smart?
04/03/00 Stealing Yosemite
03/31/00 Campaign finance hypocrisy
03/24/00 'Notion of gay marriage' is product of sloppy thinking
03/21/00 A friend like Iago
03/16/00 Amazing politics
03/14/00 Lessons not learned
03/09/00 Affordable housing
03/07/00 Super Tuesday
03/06/00 Coalition politics
03/03/00 Law or mob rule?
02/29/00 Playing blacks for suckers
02/25/00 Amadou Diallo and me
02/24/00 Hypocrisy unravelling?
02/22/00 Is there a republic party?
02/17/00 Law on trial
02/15/00 The unasked question
02/11/00 Pandering to the anointed
02/09/00 Third kidneys and the Third World
02/07/00 Perennial economic fallacies
02/03/00 McCain: Image versus reality
02/01/00 Becoming the subject of a smear campaign
01/28/00 Are GOPers suicidal?
01/25/00 Senator McCain: A man of what principle?
01/20/00 Desperate for grievances
01/14/00 Success ignored
01/10/00 The Cuban boy
01/07/00 Retail socialism
01/05/00 The real revolutionaries
01/03/00 Robin Hood laws
12/31/99 The worst of the century
12/29/99 The best of the Century
12/27/99 The illusion of education reform
12/23/99 Wasting money on ivy?
12/20/99 The tests made me do it!
12/17/99 Why we have crooked landlords
12/15/99 Random thoughts on the passing scene
12/13/99 Testing integrity
12/09/99 My holiday book picks
12/07/99 The party line on late talkers
12/03/99 Mob rule in Seattle 
11/30/99 Microsoft and campaign finance reform
11/24/99 Race and the new century
11/22/99 Sweeping success under the rug
11/18/99 Sorting by race
11/16/99 Failure and fraud
11/12/99 Microsoft and anti-trust "law"
11/05/99 Mice, giraffes and autism
10/29/99 Success concealing failure
10/25/99 Creating "poverty"
10/21/99 Anti-sports sportscasts
10/15/99 Let's hear it for unfairness!
10/08/99 Carrying a little stick
10/04/99 Pat's book being distorted?
10/01/99 Photography and economics
09/28/99 Elective indignation strikes again
09/23/99 The Pat Buchanan dilemma
09/20/99 What's wrong with big government
09/14/99 School choice wars
09/10/99 Goodby to Sara and Benjamin?
09/07/99 Compassionate conservatism is old stuff
08/31/99 Power to the assassins?
08/27/99 Blood in the water
08/24/99 Random thoughts
08/17/99 Moral anarchy and its consequences
08/13/99 Shooting the helpless
08/09/99 Forced to volunteer
08/05/99 Gunning for guns
08/03/99 Boomers and boomerangs
07/28/99 Is privacy an endangered species?
07/23/99 Emotional orgies
07/20/99 What's politics all about?
07/16/99 Politically incorrect heroism
07/12/99 Cutting edge California retreats to old, failed ideas 
07/07/99 A quagmire and a vision
07/02/99 The Fourth of July
06/29/99 "Urban sprawl" and liberal gall
06/18/99  A famous victory
06/14/99 A victory in Chicago
06/10/99 Mass shootings and mass hysteria 
06/08/99  The other side of affirmative action
06/03/99 Childish labor laws
06/01/99 Demonizing for dollars
05/27/99 The real public service
05/24/99 Income, taxes and demagoguery
05/18/99 Random thoughts
05/14/99 Aborted knowledge
05/10/99 The new "fairness"
05/04/99 Holding parents responsible
05/03/99 Exit strategies
04/28/99 Tragedy and farce
04/26/99 Guilt and cop-outs
04/21/99 Choosing a college
04/16/99 When success fails
04/13/99 A photo-op foreign policy
04/09/99 Russia and the Serbs
04/06/99 Random thoughts
03/31/99 Irresponsible "experts"
03/29/99 Another Doleful prospect?
03/23/99 Random thoughts
03/22/99 Loving enemies
03/19/99 Naming names
03/15/99 Undermining the military
03/10/99 Joe DiMaggio -- icon of an era
03/02/99 Facts versus dogma on guns
03/01/99 Losing the cultural wars
02/22/99 "Saving" social security
02/18/99 Too many Ph.Ds?
02/16/99 A national disaster
02/08/99 Economic fallacies in the media: Part II 
02/05/99 Why economists visit dentists so often
02/02/99 Warning: Good news
01/29/99 What is at stake?
01/26/99 Moral bankruptcy in the schools
01/22/99 Who is going to convict Santa Claus?
01/19/99 Seeing through the spin
01/13/99 A trial is a trial is a trial
01/11/99 Trials and tribulations
01/08/99 Rays of hope
01/04/99 Random thoughts

12/31/98 The President versus the presidency
12/29/98 The time is now!
12/23/98 World-class hypocrisy
12/21/98 The spreading corruption
12/17/98 Politically "contrite"
12/16/98 Polls and partisanship
12/14/98 The "non-profit" halo
12/11/98 Corruption and confusion
12/03/98 The health care "crisis"
11/30/98 Knowing what you are talking about
11/25/98 The impeachment legacy
11/23/98 Random thoughts
11/19/98 Tales out of bureaucracies
11/16/98 Scholarships based on scholarship
11/12/98 Forward march
11/09/98 Moral outrage
11/05/98 Will the Republicans ever learn?
11/02/98 A voter's duty
10/30/98 The poverty pimp's poem
10/29/98 Random thoughts on the election
10/27/98 "Partisan" and "unfair"
10/23/98 Ed-u-kai-tchun
10/21/98 McGwire, Maris and the Babe
10/16/98 Lightweight Boxer
10/14/98 A strange word
10/09/98 Impeachment Standards
10/08/98 Alternatives to seriousness
10/07/98 Heredity, environment and talk
10/02/98 A much-needed guide
10/01/98 Starr's real crime
09/24/98 Costs and power
09/18/98 Are we sheep?
09/16/98 Judicial review
09/15/98 Hillary Rodham Crook?
09/14/98 Taking stock
09/11/98 Moment of Truth
09/04/98 Random Thoughts
08/31/98 The twilight of special prosecutors?
08/26/98 "Doing a good job"
08/24/98 America on trial?
08/19/98 Played for fools
08/17/98 A childish letter
08/11/98 Hiding behind a woman
08/07/98 A flying walrus in Washington?
08/03/98 "Affordability" strikes again
07/31/98 Random Thoughts
07/27/98 Faith and Mountains
07/24/98 Clinton in Wonderland
07/20/98 Where is black 'leadership' leading?
07/16/98 Do 'minorities' really have it that bad?
07/14/98 Race dialogue: same old stuff
07/10/98 Honest history
07/09/98 Dumb is dangerous
07/02/98 Gun-safety starts with parental responsibility
06/30/98 When more is less
06/29/98 Are educators above the law?
06/26/98 Random Thoughts
06/24/98 An angry letter
06/22/98 Sixties sentimentalism
06/19/98 Dumbing down anti-trust
06/15/98 A changing of the guard?
06/11/98 Presidential privileges
06/08/98 Fast computers and slow antitrust
06/03/98 Can stalling backfire?
05/29/98 The insulation of the Left
05/25/98 Missing the point in the media
05/22/98 The lessons of Indonesia 
05/20/98 Smart but silent
05/18/98 Israel, Clinton and character
05/14/98 Monica Lewinsky's choices
05/11/98 Random thoughts
05/07/98 Media obstruction of justice
05/04/98 Dangerous "safety"
05/01/98 Abolish Adolescence!
04/30/98 The naked truth
04/22/98 Playing fair and square
04/19/98 Bad Teachers
04/15/98 Clinton in Africa
04/13/98 Bundling and unbundling
04/09/98 Rising or falling Starr
04/06/98 Was Clinton "vindicated"?
03/26/98 Disasters -- natural and political
03/24/98 A pattern of behavior
03/22/98 Innocent explanations
03/19/98 Kathleen Willey and Anita Hill
03/17/98 Search and destroy
03/12/98 Media Circus versus Justice
03/06/98 Vindication
03/03/98 Cheap Shot Time
02/26/98 The Wrong Filter
02/24/98 Trial by Media
02/20/98 Dancing Around the Realities
02/19/98 A "Do Something" War?
02/12/98 Julian Simon, combatant in a 200-year war
02/06/98 A Rush to Rhetoric

02/02/98 The Clinton "Legacy"
01/28/98 Clinton Scenarios
01/23/98 Walter Mitty Rides Again
01/22/98 Allies or Clones?
01/15/98 Liberals, Conservatives, and Race
01/07/98 Shut Up and Dialogue
01/05/98 Greed in government
12/30/97 The Invasion of the Touchie-Feelies
12/18/97 "Reasearch" Marches On
12/16/97 Global Hot Air
12/11/97 Cooling Out the Mark
12/09/97 Monologue or Dialogue on Race?
12/01/97 Christmas Shopping
11/20/97 The Johnny Cochran of the Education Establishment
11/07/97 Totalitarians in Yosemite
11/05/97 Most Foolish Notion
10/30/97 Random Thoughts
10/23/97 Shallow People Playing God
10/16/97 How "Rich" Is Rich?
10/09/97 Anti-"Elitism" in Education
10/02/97 Bribes or Protection Money?
09/23/97 The Mischief of Labels
09/18/97 The Death of Vince Foster
09/11/97 Random Thoughts
09/10/97 The Death of Diana -- and of Privacy
09/04/97 Old Friend Vanishes!
08/29/97 Character and the Future
08/21/97 Let's Stipulate!
08/14/97 Republicans and Longitude
08/07/97 Early Intervention
08/01/97 What Money Can't Buy
07/29/97 Two Kinds of "Rich"
07/17/97 Random Thoughts
07/11/97 Body Count Versus Education
07/03/97 Silent But Brilliant
06/26/97 Smothered by Blanket Excuses
06/12/97 Misunderstanding the Marshall Plan
06/06/97 Feminazis and Paula Jones
06/05/97 Expensive Harm
05/30/97 Raising Other People's Children
05/29/97 Random Thoughts
05/23/97 Policies Based On Lies
05/16/97 Public Schools Versus Parents
05/15/97 Tiger, Tiger, Burning Bright
05/13/97 Waltzing Around the Truth
05/01/97 Fraud in Philly
04/24/97 Random Thoughts
04/22/97 Will Chemical Weapons Be Banned?
04/14/97 Glimpse of Academe
04/13/97 Wooden Spoons and Social Programs
04/03/97 The Larger Suicide
03/27/97 Scalia for President?
03/21/97 Preserving Out Luck
03/20/97 Random Thoughts
03/14/97 The Death of a Friend
03/13/97 Looking Backward -- And Forward
03/05/97 Kangaroo Court in Academia
03/04/97 Has Clinton Finally Gone Too Far?
02/26/97 Science Versus Political Correctness
02/22/97 Crazy Housing Policies
02/21/97 Intolerance in Academia
02/13/97 Bipartisan Baloney in Washington?
02/12/97 The Irony of Black History Month
02/08/97 Cruelty to the Innocent
02/07/97 A Well-Conceived Fraud
01/30/97 Random Thoughts
01/23/97 Getting it Behind Them
01/16/97 "Ebonics" Rides Again
01/13/97 Colleges Versus Education
01/10/97 The Social Security Pyramid
01/03/97 Brainwashing Continues
01/02/97 The Federalist Papers Revisited
12/27/96 From Marxism to the Market
12/20/96 Christmas List
12/19/96 Random Thoughts
12/13/96 The Past Election -- And the Next Election
12/05/96 Safety Blitz
12/03/96 Vetoing Democracy
11/27/96 Just Say "No"
11/25/96 An Anniversary in Australia
11/22/96 Betrayals Continue
11/15/96 Confessions of an Ex-Tycoon
11/13/96 Signs of the Times
11/08/96 Random Thoughts
11/01/96 It's the Long Run, Stupid!
10/28/96 Strangers Raising Your Children
10/26/96 Racism Under New Management
10/25/96 The "Character Issue"
10/18/96 Dirty Secrets About "Affirmative Action"
10/03/96 Weasel Words and Affirmative Action
09/27/96 Trading Freedom for Basketball Tickets
09/23/96 More Education "Reform"
09/20/96 A Bad Rap
09/04/96 Other People's Money
08/28/96 Shrinking the Issues
08/21/96 Utopia and Affirmative Action
08/08/96 Education or Power Play?
07/31/96 Amnesia in the White House
07/31/96 Fiery Rhetoric


Forbes ran an exclusive column by Thomas Sowell until 1999. Registration is required to view the links below.

Issue Title
07/26/99 Race, romance and the price of eggs
06/14/99 Is Chicago going soft?
05/31/99 Lies, damned lies and blurs
05/17/99 Social dogmas and pseudoscience
05/03/99 Predatory prosecution
04/19/99 What trust fund?
02/08/99 My overreaching PC
01/11/99 Safety and wealth
11/30/98 Titanic problems in academe
10/12/98 Privacy and piracy
09/21/98 Bundled up
09/07/98 An outbreak of sanity
08/10/98 anti-American Americans
07/06/98 Two books for the price of one
06/15/98 Check it out
05/18/98 Instructions that do not instruct
04/20/98 Millennial Politics
03/23/98 Scientists need not apply
02/23/98 Inarticulate RePublicans
01/26/98 Legal lynchings
12/29/97 A new tribalism
12/15/97 Freedom versus democracy
11/17/97 Geography as Destiny
10/20/97 Magic Numbers
10/6/97 How "affirmative action" hurts blacks
09/22/97 Dangerous labels
09/08/97 The Survival of the left
07/07/97 Unnecessary complexity
06/16/97 Surrendering to the multiculturalists
06/02/97 Weasel word on immigration
05/19/97 Supply-side politics
04/21/97 Politics in one lesson
03/24/97 Trading blood for pizza
02/24/97 Glimpses of academe
01/27/97 Ebonics: Follow The Money
01/13/97 Moral melodramas
12/16/96 Cosmic justice and human reality
11/18/96 "Vitriolic" facts
10/21/96 English versus Washington speak
09/23/96 Reflections on term limits
07/15/96 Dog-in-the-manger politics