Because the contribution this book makes lies for the most part in its integration of existing knowledge rather than in original scholarship, the credit it owes to prior sources, and to the specialists who reviewed its text, is quite substantial.

     William and Virginia MacReynolds of Vienna, Virginia gave unstintingly of their time in editing the entire manuscript.  Many of their comments contributed materially to realizing my own conviction that this volume should be as straightforward and accessible to the reader as possible.  Randy E. Barnett of Calumet City, Illinois, and Robert W. Poole, Jr., of Santa Barbara, California's Local Government Center reviewed the chapter on crime; Bob also brought his expertise to bear upon the topics of solid waste and emergency services, and contributed valuable editorial suggestions on other parts of the manuscript.  John McClaughry of the Institute for Liberty and Community, and Richard L. Bjornseth of the Association for Rational Environmental Alternatives suggested improvements in the chapter on land use and housing, and the section on water and sewer systems was reviewed by AREA president Lynn Kinsky, National Wildlife Federation counsel Kenneth Kamlet, and New Jersey Libertarian Party chairman Len Flynn.  Those who assisted me in obtaining information include William Johnson of the Center for Independent Education, Richard L. Hanneman of the National Solid Waste Management Association, and Robert J. Smith, who was writing for the Libertarian Party as Local Problems, Libertarian Solutions was coming into being.  Lastly, I wish to thank Helen Holloway and Robert H. Meier of the Libertarian Party National Headquarters for their unceasing assistance and encouragement while I was writing the book.  It was Bob Meier who originally conceived of the idea for this book, and absent his enthusiasm for the project, none of it would have been possible.  My appreciation goes also to Chris Hocker, the new LP National Director, for his efforts to see this project through to publication.

     Thanks are also due to the following individuals and organizations for permission to reproduce copyrighted material:  Don B. Kates, Jr., for permission to quite extensively from "Why a Civil Libertarian Opposes Gun Control," Civil Liberties Review (June-July 1976); "On Reducing Violence and Liberty:  A Reply to Rep. Drinan," Civil Liberties Review (August-September 1976); "Rape:  Is Armed Self-defense the Answer?" St. Louisan Literary Supplement, February 1977; and "Gun Control Doesn't Work," Reason (May 1977).  Bernard Siegan and D.C. Heath & Co., Inc., for permission to reproduce statistical material from Siegan, Land Use Without Zoning (Lexington, Mass.:  Lexington Books, D.C. Heath & Co., Inc., 1972).  New Times, for permission to quote extensively from Lawrence Wright, "Troubled Waters," New Times, May 13, 1977.  Emmanuel S. Savas of Columbia University's Graduate School of Business, Center for Government Studies, for permission to reproduce research findings from Evaluating the Organization of Service Delivery: Solid Waste Collection and Disposal (October 1975).  Quandrangle/New York Times Book Co., Inc., for permission to reproduce materials from Frank E. Armbruster, Our Children's Crippled Future (New York:  Quandrangle/New York Times Book Co., 1977).

Cover photo by Peter Stone.

The Author

     WILLIAM D. BURT became involved in community issues for the first time when he attended a public hearing on a proposed zoning ordinance,
one month before graduating from high school.  In the ensuing years, he served as spokesman for taxpayer organizations and ran as a candidate
for local office.  A former Congressional legislative assistant specializing in transportation and community issues, he is past president of the Association for Rational Environmental Alternatives, a national organization of professionals dedicated to the investigation and advancement of private, nongovernmental solutions to urban and environmental problems.  He holds a bachelor's degree in political science from the State University of New York at Geneseo, and has completed master's degrees in transportation planning and engineering and management science at the Polytechnic Institute of New York.


Table of Contents